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The Power of Parent-Teacher Relationships: Getting to Know Your Child's Educator

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

How Building Strong Connections with Teachers Can Support Your Child's Educational Journey at Zarephath Academy.

Do you want to increase the probability of your child's academic success?

At Zarephath Academy, we believe that parental involvement is crucial to student success. One important way to support your child's education is to get to know their teacher. Here are three reasons why building a strong relationship with your child's teacher can positively impact their educational experience.

Firstly, research has shown that when parents are involved in their child's education, the child is more likely to perform better in school. According to a study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology, "parental involvement in education is linked to higher academic achievement." When parents build a relationship with their child's teacher, they are better equipped to support their child's learning at home.

Secondly, getting to know your child's teacher can help you understand the school's policies and procedures. Teachers can provide valuable insight into the curriculum, grading system, and homework expectations. This information can help parents create a supportive environment for their child's education at home. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Educational Research found that when parents understand the school's expectations, they are more likely to support their child's learning.

Lastly, building a relationship with your child's teacher can help you identify potential issues early on. Teachers can provide insights into your child's academic and social behavior. By working together, parents and teachers can address any issues that arise, preventing them from becoming more significant problems. Research has shown that early intervention can be crucial in improving student outcomes. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation found that early intervention can lead to improved academic performance and behavior.

In conclusion, building a strong relationship with your child's teacher is an essential part of their educational experience. It can help improve academic achievement, provide valuable information about school policies and procedures, and identify potential issues early on. We encourage you to take the time to get to know your child's teacher and become an active participant in their education.


Zarephath Academy

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