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Back-to-School Tips for Parents: Setting Your Child Up for Success

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

How to Establish Routines, Stay Involved, and Support Your Child's Learning at Zarephath Academy

Dear Parents,

As we approach the beginning of a new school year, we want to share some important back-to-school tips that will help set your child up for success. Whether your child is starting a new school or returning to Zarephath Academy, these tips will help ensure a smooth transition and a successful academic year.

  1. Establish a Routine: One of the most important things you can do for your child's academic success is to establish a routine. This includes setting regular bedtimes and wake-up times, establishing consistent study times, and creating a schedule for extracurricular activities. A routine helps children develop good habits and fosters a sense of structure and predictability.

  2. Get to Know Your Child's Teachers: Building a strong relationship with your child's teachers is crucial to their academic success. Take the time to introduce yourself and get to know them. Attend parent-teacher conferences and check the school's website for updates and information.

  3. Stay Involved: Parental involvement is a key factor in academic success. Stay involved in your child's education by attending school events, volunteering, and staying informed about what is happening in the classroom. Check in with your child's counselor regularly to ensure they are on track for graduation and college readiness.

  4. Monitor Progress: Stay up-to-date on your child's academic progress by checking their grades regularly. Talk to their teachers if you have concerns or notice a drop in grades. This will help you identify any areas where your child may need extra support.

  5. Support Their Learning: Encourage your child to read, study, and complete their homework. Set aside time each day for reading and homework. Provide a quiet study space and limit distractions like TV and video games.

Finally, remember to check the school's website and communicate with teachers and counselors for important updates throughout the year. By following these tips and staying involved in your child's education, you can help ensure their success in the upcoming school year.


Zarephath Academy

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